Included in this new technology are approaches such as haptics. One of the best examples of this being driven by craft is the Tacitus Project that explores the relationship of the applied arts to science and technology. Funded by the Arts & Humantities Research Council it has developed some Haptic Interfaces. "Haptics is the study of human touch and interaction with the external environment via touch. Haptic interfaces are a class of human computer interaction (HCI) devices that predominantly appeal to this particular sensory modality. Touch is unique as a human sense in that it can be used to gather information regarding the external environment and also to interact with it. " Anne Marie Shilitto is a jeweller and research fellow at Edinburgh College of Art and manager of the Tactitus project. This is another good example I feel of how craft is transforming the digital. For me crafts unique contribution to the digital is its organic approach.
I have argued that the philosophical origins of craft are founded on the organic principles of the German Romantics and Goethe in particular. See conference abstract on the New Craft: Future Voices Conference website. The full paper will be discussed at the conference itself in July 2007. Similarly Frenays book also discusses nature - "not as a place we visit or a focus of concern but as a system, a philosophy, a guide for our thinking and solutions in an increasingly complex world."
As an organic approach - craft is naturally slow, because it is grounded in relationship and connections and gradual improvements. Adopting an organic approach to the digital and technology also raises the importance of pattern, something that the crafts is particularly expert in. See for example the work of Frances Stevenson who works in printed textiles. Frances also attended the Radical Craft Conference in Pasadena last year - See last years blog. I will quote from that blog here to underline the point that craft is at the heart of the debates about making processes that are akin to living organisms.
"Our world was the subject of Constance Adams presentation,(she works for NASA) and I think her presentation was about as radical as you get. She presented 'Crafting the Mothership, space architecture'. She explained that Earth is ONE complex organism and in order for earth to survive the organism must propagate. If earth is the mothership then spacecrafts should be sent out to propagate other environments.This talk was great as it involved radical ideas in terms of how space exploration has forced 'makers' to rethink how they get something to work. She highlighted structures like soil, crystals and grains. Growing and living structures that are necessary for life. Structures that demonstrate the movement of life. What was really interesting is that she highlighted the need for natural methods and materials being used in order to sustain life, and how future visions look back to traditional roots. " This quote also connects with Jane Harris's discussion of the term craft in Mikes last post (see below) where she acknowledges that the term craft is being used in a process led way, such as 'crafting nano materials', to associate something that's so far ahead of us with something that's very past in order to realise it in the present.
This vision of organic craft would also include my own work (in partnership with Fraser Bruce at Dundee University) and colleagues in Edinburgh University and Professor Fraser Stoddart and his research group at UCLA looking at crafted approahces to Nano-technology.
What is also interesting about this is the link back to Bruce Sterling and his shaper/mechanistic short story series. These stories were concerned with a human genetic future and the ultimate commodification of humanity. The organics of craft and the organic principles of the 'new biology' shifts us away from the either or choice of the mechanists or the shapers but enables us to consider a future in which mechanistic technologies are incorporated within an organic approach.
So the 'new biology' as Frenay points out "... doesnt reject the machine age. It builds on it and incorporates that by stirring its classic logic into the larger complexities and dynamics of living systems." By acknowledging crafts organic principles we have much to contribute to this emerging future. It would be good to hear views on this and suggestions of other relevant organic craft examples.
I've found these last few posts fascinating! I'm especially intrigued by your mention of Goethe. As someone who has read and enjoyed a number of his works outside of an academic setting, I wonder if you could recommend a small list of his works which you think are related to this topic. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHi Kait
ReplyDeleteGood to hear from a fellow jeweller.I enjoyed looking at your blog and its associated links. You can check out my work if you are interested at http://www.sandra-wilson.com
The main book I would recommend to you is Wilhelm Meisters Apprentice. A good english translation is available by Thomas Carlyle and it is through Carlyle that Ruskin and William Morris also read Goethe and were influenced by his thought. In Meister Goethe is the first to warn of the dangers of the machine metaphor taking over peoples lives and the spiritual and emotional aspects in particular. Perhaps unsurprisingly Carlyle was also the first in the UK to warn of the same dangers. Meister really promotes Goethes notion of Bildung - loosely translated as education of the self, transformation and growth.
For more information on Goethes method of observation you can look at a contemporary book called New Eyes for Plants by Margaret Colhoun.
Will aim to post more about my reading of Goethe's organic approach in subsequent posts.
Hi Sandra
ReplyDeleteI love Meister, but read it with a book group which was not art/craft oriented. I look forward to re-reading it with your thoughts in mind. Also, thanks for the suggestion of the Colhoun. Metamorphosis of Plants was one of the first things of Goethe's that really peaked my curiosity, so this sounds very exciting! Will head over to Alibris to look for it now. Thanks!