17 May 2007

Crafty MySpace?

Yesterday I posted a request for ideas about how we can develop a web-based resource to network research students and other researchers in craft - and design (see The Unusual Suspects below).

John Marshall left a comment which I thought would be better profiled - and more widely read - if I posted it here:

Sounds like something that fits between a 'crafty' version of MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/ and the Make Blog: http://www.makezine.com/blog/ - MakerSpace?

Something that is more useful than: http://www.phdweblogs.net/ and looks and works more like: http://www.carbonmade.com/

Something like: We Make Craft Not Money: http://www.we-make-money-not-art.com/ bolted onto CGTalk: http://forums.cgsociety.org/ ?

How about starting something around New Craft Future Voices - like automatically making everyone who registers a contributor to this blog? Having a BoingBoing for Craft: http://boingboing.net/ would certainly be a start...
Any other suggestions?


  1. Hello,
    Nice info. More info about ethnic craft info.

  2. Anonymous1:56 pm

    Has anyone seen http://www.craftform.com

    It's a Craft social network website with discussion forums, blogging, resource directory, and a space for makers and gallery owners to upload images of their work, shop, gallery or museum.

    It's very much like a myspace specifically for craft, all of the facilities are free to use.
