06 July 2007

The conference concludes

This afternoon, the conference came to end. If you attended we would welcome your comments here on your thoughts and reflections on the event, and how we should take it forward.

To summarise the comments I made in the plenary....

Craft research is too often seen as a poor relation of the 'serious' business of research in design, fine art and the humanities. But the quality, the rigour and the focus of the papers presented at New Craft Future Voices suggests that we have made a breakthrough - which we can build on further. There is significant world-class research being undertaken in craft which we need to disseminate more widely. Personal highlights:
  • Methodological diversity and rigour that demonstrates how far craft research has developed in a short period of time.
  • Discourses around technology that are critically focussed.
  • Socially engaged practices.
  • The DIY/craftism analysis.
  • Ethnographic explorations of craft practices.
  • Creative explorations at the margins of craft - interaction design and industrial applications.
So, what were your highlights? What issues were significant for you? And how do we best exploit and further the positive and engaging dialogue that took place in Dundee? Also, if you have photos you would like to share of the conference, please email them to us and we will post them here.

On a personal level - I hugely valued seeing old friends and colleagues, and meeting new ones. I hope to see you again soon. I know that a number of people will be attending Sandra Alfoldy's conference NeoCraft in Canada in November, which promises to be excellent.

This evening I learned of another opportunity. Fancy Japan? Cumulus Kyoto is an international conference on design that is inviting submissions on craft.

I trust that everyone who attended the conference had a safe journey home, and I look forward to further productive and stimulating encounters with you all.

1 comment:

  1. Hello all,

    What nice coverage of the conference, I am just recovering myself, so can only thank the organisers for putting in so much work to such an excellent event, both the papers and the exhibition.

    I am submitting a report to the Association of Contemporary Jewellers, and am looking for images to accompany the writing - they have asked for groups of people, and perhaps a speaker 'with their mouth open' (!). I reall ylike the image of hte exhibition opening featuring Drummond Masterton's work - is someone in a position to send a high res copy through? And does anyone have any shots of keynotes or the plenary session?? Many thanks!! You can reach me at s.kettley@napier.ac.uk.

