16 February 2012

Textiles as agent for wellbeing

Duck Journal for Research in Textiles and Textile Design
Call for Contributions: Volume 3

The first call of the Journal for Research in Textiles and Textile Design explored what research in this wide field may encompass and began to establish a platform for textile research. (Volume 1) The second call examined an issue in the immediate context, namely the impact of austerity on craft making and fashion design. (Volume 2) This call aims to show how textile research might be a positive factor enabling and facilitating social and personal contexts - an agent for wellbeing. Accepted contributions will be published in Volume 3.

Textiles and wellbeing are intimately connected from physical, psychological and emotional perspectives. The relationship between the two can be perceived and expressed within the contexts of textile making, consumption, use and viewing. They may be activated in both private and communal settings.

The intention of this call is to draw out the links between textiles and wellbeing within a broad range of contexts and from multiple standpoints. We welcome contributions relating to textile research in the following areas:
•    Textiles and physical well-being - innovations in medical, technical, smart and interactive textiles applied within creative or social contexts

•    Textiles and emotional well-being - fashion, wearable textiles engendering sensory responses and changing mood 

•    Textiles and well-being in the built environment - interiors, architecture, colour and tactility 

•    Textiles as agent for sustainable behaviour leading to well-being

•    Textiles as agent of community and communication - therapeutic, communities of practice, alternative learning styles, occupational health, community projects e.g. millennium embroideries, Mardi Gras costumes, communication through communal making 

•    Textiles and memory – textiles and emotional attachment, textiles documenting personal or community events or ceremonies, collecting textiles, textile heirlooms 

Duck: Journal for Research in Textiles and Textile Design also welcome submissions to previous calls. For details, please see the individual calls for papers in Volume 1 and Volume 2 respectively.

Deadline for submissions: 30 May 2012
Authors will be informed of the outcome of their submission by the end of September 2012.

Submission Instructions:
Contributions may take the form of written texts (maximum 5,000 words), visual essays, a series of images relating to methods (sketchbook style), visual diaries or other methods deemed appropriate. All submissions however, must respond to the call articulating the research question, the research methodology and methods used, conclusions and discussion.

Contributors must present their ideas in an accessible format for Duck's diverse readership of researchers, educators, artists and designers. The Harvard System of referencing should be used.
Images should be 300dpi where possible, embedded in the submission, captioned and referenced. Submissions should be provided in word format.

Please provide your name, affiliation, email address, a title for your submission, an abstract (200 words max) of your contribution and five keywords.

Please send submissions by email to: F.E.Kane2@lboro.ac.uk 
(Maximum file size: 5mb)

Alternatively, please send on disk (CD or DVD) to: 
Dr FE Kane,
DUCK Journal - Textiles Research Group,
Loughborough, University School of Art and Design, Loughborough, Leicestershire,
LE11 3TU 

Copyright: In submitting material to Duck, contributors thereby grant permission for it to be published on the Duck website. Contributors retain copyright of their material and may use it elsewhere after publication in Duck, though we would appreciate it if Duck could be acknowledged as the original source of publication.  Please note that it is the responsibility of contributors to obtain the necessary permissions for reproducing work other than their own.

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